Anyone with any type of arthritis knows that inflammation is the enemy. It causes sore joints, makes it difficult to move, and, more importantly, causes lots of pain. This pain can be anywhere from a low, steady pain that you muscle through to a sharp, debilitating pain that stops you in your tracks. However, sometimes after painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and exercise, things still don’t get better. Sometimes there may be additional factors that cause the pain. If you are having knee pain that you cannot explain, then perhaps you should look at your gallbladder. It sounds odd, but there are links between an unhealthy gallbladder and knee pain that you should know about.
It sounds strange, but when you look at the body as a whole, links between gallbladder and knee pain make sense. The gallbladder is connected to the liver. When the liver doesn’t function properly, it can cause swelling and inflammation in various parts of the body. Liver problems can affect your entire body, but the most common place is in the knees. Keeping a healthy gallbladder can help keep your liver healthy as well. When your organs work at their optimal level, your whole body benefits.
Foods for Your Gallbladder
There are many ways you can support your gallbladder. However, there are things you should avoid. There are many people who recommend olive oil, lemon juice, and beets. The problem with this is the olive oil. Now, olive oil is fine while you cook with it or splash it on top of a salad. However, drinking olive oil is not good. It can flush out your bile. If your body doesn’t have this important bile to breakdown your foods, it can actually cause gallstones, and you don’t want that.Instead, check out these amazing herbs that can improve the health of your liver and gallbladder. Herbs like barberry, coptis, dandelion, gentian root, milk thistle, and Oregon grape root Either take the extract supplement or, better yet, incorporate it into your everyday cooking.
Fresh herbs always yield better results than supplements. Start your day with a barberry jam, toss some freshly washed milk thistle or dandelion leaves into a salad, or roast the dandelion roots for a pick-me-up drink that’s better than coffee. Start your day off right with these healthy herbs and feel the inflammation leave your body. Incorporate these into your diet for one to two weeks at the minimum to feel your body accept the health benefits.
If you’re not the best home cook and fear cooking with anything more than salt and pepper, we understand. There are tons of foods that can still help. Beets are a superfood that can help your liver and gallbladder, and they’re super easy to prepare. Along with apples, pears, lemon juice, garlic, turmeric, artichokes, and bitter greens. These may make it easier. Buy some lemons and squeeze a full lemon into each glass of water you drink. Avoid adding sugar, though. Processed sugar can cause inflammation, and that’s what we’re trying to avoid. You want lemon water, not lemonade.
Supplements for your Gallbladder
Sometimes, when food isn’t enough, you may want to turn to supplements for that added boost of vitamins. If you need supplements, take a look at taurine. This is an important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory amino acid. Taurine really helps promote healthy heart and liver function. It can even lower cholesterol levels and, best of all, promote healthy bile acid balance. So if you did end up taking that olive oil shake, you can restore your bile before it’s too late. Take a capsule of 1000mg three times a day between meals. Additionally, Omega-3 fish oils and Vitamin E supplements support a healthy gallbladder.
Taking these for 5-8 days in a row should yield some immediate results. Your body will thank you for including these vitamins and minerals in your diet, and it will thank you with a healthy body.
Now remember, none of these will remove your pain all together. If you truly wish to be pain-free, you need to remember that it’s a process. Cleansing your gallbladder can reduce inflammation, which can help relieve some pain. When you see results and less pain, that may be enough to help you start your exercise and stretching routine. However, with a proper diet, good exercise, and a positive attitude, you can live a pain-free life. Trust the process and know that if you put in the work, eventually you can overcome anything you put your mind to.